Investing in property straight out of college and owning a 9 unit property at the age of 28 — Wealthy Money Blog
Investing in property straight out of college and owning a 9 unit property at the age of 28

Investing in property straight out of college and owning a 9 unit property at the age of 28

In this week’s Property Magicians Podcast, we talk to Anaiyah Robinson, a 28-year-old mom and full-time real estate investor residing in Atlanta, GA, USA.

Anaiyah comes from an entrepreneurial family and started investing in real estate straight out of college, after being invited to a free real estate seminar.

From the seminar, she was able to learn how to use real estate for retirement and to pay for her kids’ education. The first house she bought was an investment property to fix and flip in 2017 - she sent out mail, via direct mail, to out of state owners and she ended up buying the house under contract.

She paid for the house through a hard money lender but had some hiccups - she ended up changing contractors 5 times but she ended up making a U$15,000 profit.

After that project, she was supposed to go to South Africa but she didn’t want the money to sit in the bank, so she loaned that money out and ended up doubling the money and making an extra US$20,000 from loaning that money out.

After that, she moved into the rental property space and bought her first rental property in 2018. She got a loan for first-time homeowners and bought a single-family home and converted it into a duplex. She also ended up getting a single-family unit for her and her family.

At the end of 2021, Anaiyah ended up getting a 9 unit multi-let for US$590,000. The bank financed the property for US$438,000, so she ended up selling her duplex and used the money she loaned and got an extra loan to make up the US$182,000.

She is currently renovating the multi-let, they plan to get every unit done within 4 weeks. They will also turn one of the units into an AirBnB unit.

This is another eye-opening episode. 

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Books that inspire Anaiyah: 

“Think and grow rich” by Napolean Hill

The bible


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